Sunday 10 January 2010

Preliminary Task: Day 2

Today we continued filming it took up the whole lesson!!! Our actor was Junior we did some (long shots) of him walking through doors, walking down stairs we also had a point of view shot of him walking down the stairs, as well as a over the shoulder shot of him shaking Kaamils hand. Then Parvin came up with a wicked idea to take a shot through the drama window which looked like a mirror, it was a great shot. We then went to the sport hall were we got a couple of great shots of him punching the lockers and when Junior stood tin the centre of the sports hall and Marcus did spinning effect were he went round and round Junior with the camera. We also went to the library were we did a over the shoulder shot of Junior typing Fuck Education. The last shot was with Ola kicking Junior out of the college, we had got plenty of shot for next lessons editing.

Tuesday 5 January 2010

Preliminary Task

The preliminary task is a task which is set to us before we actually do our real music videos, is a small task where we have to record and edit a piece and then evaluate it and talk about how we would improve to when it comes to the real deal.
The preliminary task this time is to:
Create a walking/dancing video with different people appearing in it.
The song we are using is called 'F-Word' by the artist BabyBird
The video should have the running theme of young students saying ‘F**k Education’. It should be as realistic as possible, but give the title song a connection with disaffected youth.

The class was split into 2 groups and then we went out to film. my group was I guess the right group as they were all engaged into doing the little clip they got most of the boys and girls to appear in our video with a little persuasion.
Parvin and Junior came up with a great idea to shoot Junior walking down the stairs but through the reflection of the window.
Marcus came up with the cool idea of doing a rotation of Junior in a standing position.
We went out filming students from the college saying 'fuck education' and we got about 12 of them so a great lesson.

Storyboards and CD Cover Design

As well as doing a treatment, we also have to produce storyboards and draw up initial ideas for the CD covers. Both Parvin and Akieba worked on the storyboards let’s just say me and Kaamil aren’t what you call natural drawers! Everyone in the group has to draw up two different ideas for the covers. Below are images of the storyboards and the designs.


Once you have the treatment ready, it's very easy to draw up images for the storyboard. Below are the scans of the sheet; we didn't draw everything, in fact just a summary of the idea : beginning, middle and end.

Below is the image Parvin designed for the album cover, this is the idea we are going for but it might change depending on if we decide to change the idea if it doesn't suit the album cover.

As a group we decided to go for the idea of having a split screen image, we would have line through the middle of the picture and on the left side we would have the street and on the right hand side will be the image of the stage with a Mic in the middle. The whole idea of this is to show how the character has gone from being a youth from the estate to someone living and making his dreams come true.


Before we start creating the music video, we need to write up a treatment. Rosie gave us an example of a treatment for Eightball's 'My Homeboy's Girlfriend' which was directed by Christopher Erskin.
The treament consists of the idea of the video into depth and what sorts of shots and angles we're going to have. Here is the group's treatment:

Final Idea!!

After debating about what idea we wanted to go for, Idea 2 got the vote
So our final production will be on this.

The idea in depth:

The concept of the video is a talent show with people waiting outside read to audition. The winner will then get his/her picture in the magazines and newspapers but the people who are blocking their ways are the three judges. Justin Who is actually going to be the winner of the show and we've decided that, throughout the video his face will not be shown. It will be a point of view show right up until the end just before he starts to perform. There will be some good talent acts as well as bad ones and we've decided to have a 'psycho' girl running around like crazy and then Ola the security guard will then chuck her out of the theatre.
1. X Factor - Shayne Ward: That's my goal

The reason why this is a comparison is because our music video is an X Factor/Britain’s Got Talent style video.
The Similarities:
• The Judges
• The Acts auditioning
• Stars in their eyes poster (instead of x factor of course)
• A line of other acts waiting outside.
• Security guard taking out crazy girl.
• Not only singers but dancers too.
• Point of view shots.
• Video isn't only based around one person; other acts can be seen.

Music Video Ideas

This year I am really looking forward to working with my new group as different people have different ideas, from my first impression of my group they are really keen and looking forward to working with each other. They have plenty of ideas and they are cool enough to back up their own ideas.

We have already made a decision of what song we would like to use for the music video and so a great start indeed.

Well the song we would be using is: Stars in their eyes! By Just Jack..

Idea 1:

It would start off with a close-up shot of a poster which says 'RESPECT' in capital letters and then it will zoom into the artist looking into the mirror. The point of the poster is to show that the artist is a very genuine person who believes in believing & respecting yourself. He is in the dressing room getting ready for a performance and then he will walk out the room and as soon as he steps out, there will be a point of view shot when he's walking. There will be flashing lights to signify 'stardom'. This idea has been influenced by Common's music video 'The game, and Forever young by Jay-z and Mr Hudson.

Idea 2:
Our third and final idea was a judging panel music video. It will be a talent show sort of thing similar to the x factor videos. We will have a line of people waiting outside the theatre for their turns to audition and then towards the end Justin Who would walk in and impress the judges.
Hopefully next lesson we will pick either one of these 3.

Idea 3:
For our third we thought maybe him talking about his school life through his music.
The younger him would be messing about and getting into trouble but at the same time being committed to his music. Our inspiration was Chipmunk's video 'Chip Diddy Chip'.

Audience types & Groups

The class was split into different groups to work on our production for this year, for this year’s production work I will be working with:
• Parvin
• Akieba
• Kaamil

We've already started discussing ideas about how we will go about or production we started to discuss whether we will use a band or a standalone artist, in the end we dicided that a standalone artist would be better.

The name we decided on for our artist was Jason Who. Here is a bit of his biography we started Jason’s biography as you can see not finished yet!

Here are a couple of questions we've had to answer regarding our artist:
1. Which music production/distribution company would you approach and why?
Our artist Jason Who is signed to Sony BMG so they will be distributing the music video. When it comes down to the producing for the artists, they also distribute their productions.
2. How will the musical artists' single be promoted and distributed?
There will be
Jason Who will perform on the BBC1 Programme 5:19 and there will also be a video exclusive on Channel 4, E4 & 4Music. This will give our artist a boost as when new fresh talent is shown they are often given a lot of attention.
He will be invited to parties with other British top charting artists such as Tinchy Stryder, JLS and Dizzie Rascal
3. Breakdown of the artist:
Standalone artist: Jason Who.
He is calm and collected telling stories through his music like Nas. He will have a smart urban look just like Kano.
4. For their first single which cover song will you make the artist sing and why?
It's going to be an original song because he will be compared to other artists and we don't want that; he's going to be unique.
There are 5 types of audiences:
Audience types:
The audience type Jason Who would fit into would be alternative just like artists such as Just Jack, Kano, Stryder and Chipmunk.

Mainstream: this term refers to majority of the audience who share the same opinion and in this, majority of the audience who favour an artist or genre, for example Michael Jackson would be within mainstream as the majority of his listeners have the same likes/opinions.
Cult: This is the definition of a very small highly devoted fan base and often most of these artists have failed to achieve fame outside of the small fan bases.
However, there are a few that have managed to gain fame among mainstream audiences. For example Giggs- wouldn't get older elder generation listening to his music and the youths who listen to him are loyal fans.
Subversive: Controversial artists who go against the conventional, social, political, economic principles of a society.
Abstract: They are different and their music videos usually have a different image which does not fit in with the narrative of the song for example Wiley 'Wearing my Rolex'.

Alternative: These artists are also different; they are neither mainstream nor subversive and a good example of this would be Chipmunk, Kano Tinchey Stryder.