Tuesday 5 January 2010

Preliminary Task

The preliminary task is a task which is set to us before we actually do our real music videos, is a small task where we have to record and edit a piece and then evaluate it and talk about how we would improve to when it comes to the real deal.
The preliminary task this time is to:
Create a walking/dancing video with different people appearing in it.
The song we are using is called 'F-Word' by the artist BabyBird
The video should have the running theme of young students saying ‘F**k Education’. It should be as realistic as possible, but give the title song a connection with disaffected youth.

The class was split into 2 groups and then we went out to film. my group was I guess the right group as they were all engaged into doing the little clip they got most of the boys and girls to appear in our video with a little persuasion.
Parvin and Junior came up with a great idea to shoot Junior walking down the stairs but through the reflection of the window.
Marcus came up with the cool idea of doing a rotation of Junior in a standing position.
We went out filming students from the college saying 'fuck education' and we got about 12 of them so a great lesson.


Blogger moeman said...

OMGGG!!! My favorite song!!!!

24 February 2010 at 03:41  

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