Thursday 17 December 2009

Album Covers

An album cover is the front of the packaging of a commercially-released audio recording product or album. The cover serves three main purposes:
1.To advertise the contents of the music product.
2.To convey the artistic aspirations of the original artists.
3.In reproductions of the artwork, to serve as a primary image in the promotional efforts surrounding the product, an identifiable image associated with it.

Album covers have become very important in the music industry, as a marketing tool or whether it helps an artist or band to get a message through of what they stand for or what they represent, whether it be a certain message or a theme.

In Jay-z Blueprint 3 the message he is trying to get across is that he is a musician first by displaying all types of instruments in his album cover. The white in his album shows purity showing some originality to all his work. There is always continuity between all his work. His first two albums also had 3 stripes. We watched how the whole process of the making of the album cover was created and I found it so incredible that all those people achieved so much to get a message across in an album cover.

Using conventions of a genre on the album cover makes the audience become aware of what type genre the music is. For example, Rock artists might have there theme as the image of there album cover or their instrument. For example Jimmy Hendrix who was famous for being the most likeable guitar player he also has featured in the top 100 best guitarist of all time.

Many Pop artists may have a colourful cover representing their innocence and sense of fun. for example the Spice Girls, Girls Aloud as well as Mcfly.

Many Pop artists may have a colourful cover representing their innocence and sense of fun. for example the Spice Girls, Girls Aloud as well as Mcfly.

Other genres such as Hip-Hop artists, what they try to het across is that its more based upon themselves showing of their muscles or their Bling for example 2 Pac Shakur and 50 Cent:

The way in which 50 Cent and other male artist use their muscles not only to attract female artists but they attract homosexuals audiences as well this is known as the pink pound through this is why most artist are successful.

Another concept could be the Male Gaze (feminist Laura Mulvey), the term basically means try to see themselves through a man’s eyes. for example Shakira's She Wolf.

The reason this is a good example to use is that the picture looks very seductive and her being trapped in a cage give the person some sort of control over the album and her that why most men buy albums like these.


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