Tuesday 5 January 2010

Storyboards and CD Cover Design

As well as doing a treatment, we also have to produce storyboards and draw up initial ideas for the CD covers. Both Parvin and Akieba worked on the storyboards let’s just say me and Kaamil aren’t what you call natural drawers! Everyone in the group has to draw up two different ideas for the covers. Below are images of the storyboards and the designs.


Once you have the treatment ready, it's very easy to draw up images for the storyboard. Below are the scans of the sheet; we didn't draw everything, in fact just a summary of the idea : beginning, middle and end.

Below is the image Parvin designed for the album cover, this is the idea we are going for but it might change depending on if we decide to change the idea if it doesn't suit the album cover.

As a group we decided to go for the idea of having a split screen image, we would have line through the middle of the picture and on the left side we would have the street and on the right hand side will be the image of the stage with a Mic in the middle. The whole idea of this is to show how the character has gone from being a youth from the estate to someone living and making his dreams come true.


Blogger Parvin Nessa said...

i like the way i drew the pictures :D

26 February 2010 at 07:07  

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