Wednesday 10 March 2010

Filming Day 1

Today we got the cameras, we still couldn’t find a Jason who, so what we did first was film all our point of view shots first, we stuck the audition poster outside and we filmed a point of view shot of Jason looking at the poster and pushing the button and the security guard letting him in so he can go to the auditions. We asked a few people such as librarian who looked at the poster as well as me walking up to the poster and looking at it.
And we have had slight changes for example because of the drama students exams the theatre was completely booked so we decided to use the sports hall but we found a place behind the sports hall which was perfect, it was spacious and it had two doors which was exactly what we needed.
Furthermore some actors let us down such as the security Guard he didn’t want to be in it no more and instead of three singers we have only one not including Jason Who, we also don’t have a footballer and a dance group but we are ok with what we have now.
So we are going to continue filming next lesson.


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