Sunday 10 January 2010

Preliminary Task: Day 2

Today we continued filming it took up the whole lesson!!! Our actor was Junior we did some (long shots) of him walking through doors, walking down stairs we also had a point of view shot of him walking down the stairs, as well as a over the shoulder shot of him shaking Kaamils hand. Then Parvin came up with a wicked idea to take a shot through the drama window which looked like a mirror, it was a great shot. We then went to the sport hall were we got a couple of great shots of him punching the lockers and when Junior stood tin the centre of the sports hall and Marcus did spinning effect were he went round and round Junior with the camera. We also went to the library were we did a over the shoulder shot of Junior typing Fuck Education. The last shot was with Ola kicking Junior out of the college, we had got plenty of shot for next lessons editing.


Blogger moeman said...

Totally Awesome Pictures man!!!
keep it up

24 February 2010 at 03:40  

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