Wednesday 10 March 2010

Filming Day 2

Today’s filming we got the performers to start performing and we also filmed Jason’s bit.
1)Firstly we filmed the ‘crazy girl’ bit we had her run through the door in to the audition room screaming the continue running out of another exit door.

2)Secondly we had Jason (Tamouy) do his bit Parvin filmed a middle shot of his feet where his is walking and a close up of his hand. The is a point of view shot of him walking into the audition rooms and we filmed his main role singing with the Judge (Akieba walking up to him shaking his hand should be done tomorrow).

3)The final bit was the Bad Singer Jevetta, Parvin got her to act really crazy and confident about her singing it looked brilliant as Jevetta made it look so perfect putting 100% well done Jevetta.
More filming to be done tomorrow


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