Thursday 17 December 2009

Album Covers

An album cover is the front of the packaging of a commercially-released audio recording product or album. The cover serves three main purposes:
1.To advertise the contents of the music product.
2.To convey the artistic aspirations of the original artists.
3.In reproductions of the artwork, to serve as a primary image in the promotional efforts surrounding the product, an identifiable image associated with it.

Album covers have become very important in the music industry, as a marketing tool or whether it helps an artist or band to get a message through of what they stand for or what they represent, whether it be a certain message or a theme.

In Jay-z Blueprint 3 the message he is trying to get across is that he is a musician first by displaying all types of instruments in his album cover. The white in his album shows purity showing some originality to all his work. There is always continuity between all his work. His first two albums also had 3 stripes. We watched how the whole process of the making of the album cover was created and I found it so incredible that all those people achieved so much to get a message across in an album cover.

Using conventions of a genre on the album cover makes the audience become aware of what type genre the music is. For example, Rock artists might have there theme as the image of there album cover or their instrument. For example Jimmy Hendrix who was famous for being the most likeable guitar player he also has featured in the top 100 best guitarist of all time.

Many Pop artists may have a colourful cover representing their innocence and sense of fun. for example the Spice Girls, Girls Aloud as well as Mcfly.

Many Pop artists may have a colourful cover representing their innocence and sense of fun. for example the Spice Girls, Girls Aloud as well as Mcfly.

Other genres such as Hip-Hop artists, what they try to het across is that its more based upon themselves showing of their muscles or their Bling for example 2 Pac Shakur and 50 Cent:

The way in which 50 Cent and other male artist use their muscles not only to attract female artists but they attract homosexuals audiences as well this is known as the pink pound through this is why most artist are successful.

Another concept could be the Male Gaze (feminist Laura Mulvey), the term basically means try to see themselves through a man’s eyes. for example Shakira's She Wolf.

The reason this is a good example to use is that the picture looks very seductive and her being trapped in a cage give the person some sort of control over the album and her that why most men buy albums like these.

Wednesday 16 December 2009

History of Music Videos

A music video is a short film or video that is associated with a complete piece music. They are made and used as marketing device intended to promote the sale of music recordings. MTV MTV was the most popular music channel which played music videos. It was launched on August 1st 1981. MTV only used to show music videos of a prodimantly white background. However, Michael Jackson was the first Black artist to be shown on MTV breaking down the racial barriers with Thriller the amazing music video in some ways could be said was a short movie as it was a impressive 14 minutes long.

It was directed by John Landis (director of 'An American Werewolf in London') and it was released in December 1983. It has sold 9 million copies and still is the worlds largest selling record ever. The genre of music was different to MTV predominantly white music which it aired, because it was new it was fresh it would start the crossover between many genre in the coming future. Today, MTV still plays a limited selection of music videos, but the channel primarily broadcasts a variety of popular culture and reality television shows targeted at teenagers and younger viewers.

We had a Music Video Director Ben Peters come into our Media lesson he came in to discuss and explain to us how music videos are made. He did a little activity with us which helped me to learn a couple of new words that are associated with the music industry and music videos.
• Spark: This person has the job of fixing lights.
• Gaffer: This person is the head of lighting.
• Grader: This individual fixes the colours of every shot so the shots run smoothly, they work on the quality.
• 1st A.D: Assistant director who helps the filmmaker in the making of a movie or music video. • Focus Puller: They make sure the focus of the shot is fine.
• Runner: they usually help out the directors with small things they need.

He told us that the making of music videos is he passion and that he started of as a runner but slowly built his way up to become a great director he has been involved in music videos such as N-Dubz - Wouldn't You.

He himself has been in some of his own work in which he disguises himself as one the people just roaming around (Extras) and no one really notices, what a legend!

In this video Ben’s the guy with the hoody and fake beard. He appears at 0:50 seconds.

The session with Ben really helped was useful as we learnt new words and I know that music videos are very hard to do. Ben showed us that every job however small is significant as when he started out he started as a runner so if you are determined you can accomplish anything you put your mind to it and never give up. Ben showed us his treatment for N- DUBZ music video 'I Need You' the producers didnt go with his idea but he never gave up.

Evaluation Of AS Media

Last year, on our AS course me and my group created a short film which was about three minutes long the genre of our film was Action/Thriller. The name of our film was….
1) That the group worked really well together and we all helped to give ideas throughout the process of the filming and editing of the film.
2) We made all decision together, so no one was left out.
3) I think we had a very strong group as everyone was hard working and contributed to everything.
4) Because everyone was hard working, we were the first group to finish all of their paperwork so this made it easier to concentrate on other aspects of our film.
1) However because we finished so earlier we concentrated to much on our filming so we didn’t blog regularly so we started to fall behind.
2) Because most of our group finished late it was very difficult to film in the evening as it was so dark.
3) I think because it was getting dark early we left some of the filming out and it started to get on top of us however when we finished it, it was such a relive we could concentrate on editing as well as blogging

The Start of A2

The task we have been set this year is to create a promotion package for the release of an album, to include music promo video, together with two of the following.
A cover for it release as part of digipak (CD/DVD Package)
A magazine advertisement for the digipak CD/DVD Package)

What I understand about this is we have to take up the role of a record producer and produce as well as create and distribute a new artist. My group and I have to use original music from an existing artist or band. We will use the song to help us create a music video which we will then edit in class. The song will be part of album and we will then create an album cover using Photoshop. Finally we have to make a CD and magazine cover which represent our artist. There has to be some sort of continuity between the three products which link them all together. For example some sort theme or concept.
The work within this unit will assess our ability to:
1) Plan and construct media products using appropriate technical and creative skills.
2) Assess our application of knowledge and understanding in evaluating our own work, showing how meanings and responses are created.
3) Assess our ability to undertake, apply and present appropriate research.