Wednesday 10 March 2010

Designing the Album cover on photoshop

This was great experience for me as I could to use the Adobe Photoshop software, firstly I discussed with the group on how we should do this as I fought that the split screen idea wouldn’t work ( not look nice).
So we decided to look for a picture that had a stage but could represent Jason background we looked we couldn’t find anything until we stumbled across a great picture with a star right in the middle this would go greatly with the album cover as it has continuity between the film and the album cover so people can see a link. So I looked at a couple of Photoshop tutorials on YouTube to give me a greater idea on how I could use the software to my advantage, I used a couple ideas such as the fade in of Jason’s picture to the stage behind him as well as using the font to create boldness and be more eye catching. Parvin helped me create a good border as it gave me trouble we got there in the end.
I think for me the highlight was using the fade to capture both Jason and the stage behind him other than that the tutorials we really great as without them I wouldn’t have produce something looking so good here is some of the pictures of start to finish.

this is the picture of jason i initaily started out with:

i then cropped it so it looked like this:

this is the stage i used notice the giant star in the background Wicked!!

this is the merger of the cropped picture and the stage, i brought them together to create a better picture as well as eye catching font which makes it look bold.

Filming Day 3

Today we completed all of the filming!!!!
All the performers we had did all their bits
• I did my magnificent juggling
• Jevetta decided that she wanted to put 150% in and she herself fought she could do a much better performance so we did that again.
We also did the handshake between the Judge (Akieba) and Jason Who (Tamouy). We had a close up of the judge walking down the stairs in her high heels walking to her char with a zoom out capturing all three judges.
Next lesson we should start editing the whole piece.

Filming Day 2

Today’s filming we got the performers to start performing and we also filmed Jason’s bit.
1)Firstly we filmed the ‘crazy girl’ bit we had her run through the door in to the audition room screaming the continue running out of another exit door.

2)Secondly we had Jason (Tamouy) do his bit Parvin filmed a middle shot of his feet where his is walking and a close up of his hand. The is a point of view shot of him walking into the audition rooms and we filmed his main role singing with the Judge (Akieba walking up to him shaking his hand should be done tomorrow).

3)The final bit was the Bad Singer Jevetta, Parvin got her to act really crazy and confident about her singing it looked brilliant as Jevetta made it look so perfect putting 100% well done Jevetta.
More filming to be done tomorrow

Filming Day 1

Today we got the cameras, we still couldn’t find a Jason who, so what we did first was film all our point of view shots first, we stuck the audition poster outside and we filmed a point of view shot of Jason looking at the poster and pushing the button and the security guard letting him in so he can go to the auditions. We asked a few people such as librarian who looked at the poster as well as me walking up to the poster and looking at it.
And we have had slight changes for example because of the drama students exams the theatre was completely booked so we decided to use the sports hall but we found a place behind the sports hall which was perfect, it was spacious and it had two doors which was exactly what we needed.
Furthermore some actors let us down such as the security Guard he didn’t want to be in it no more and instead of three singers we have only one not including Jason Who, we also don’t have a footballer and a dance group but we are ok with what we have now.
So we are going to continue filming next lesson.

Preliminary Task Video

this is the video we did in class, we edited on out won here is how it looks enjoy :D

Wednesday 3 March 2010

Actors and Location Hunting

Today we went searching for actor to take part in our video, when we was first making the ideas we wanted to use the theatre but unfortunately it is completely booked, so we decided we will use the sports hall and fortunately it’s not always in use so it will work in favour for us. We managed to find some actors including me as a wicked juggler lol.

Here are some of the other actors we are using and the roles they will be playing:

Bad singer: Jevetta
Dancers: still searching
Footballer: Kaamil
Juggler: Mahamed
Security Guard: Ola
Psycho Girl: Akieba’s Friend
Judges: Akieba and still searching
Jason Who: Still Searching

And before the lesson ended Parvin created a poster for the music video
here it is:

Editing Photoshop Picture

In today’s lesson, john showed us how to use Adobe Photoshop Cs4 because this is the software we are going to use when we do our album covers.

Here is one of the pictures.
[[[put finished picture here]]]

I started editing one of the pictures from the photo shoot, at first I thought Photoshop is so complicated, I asked John for help and he showed me how to do simple thing such as ‘Magic Eraser’ which gets rid of most of the picture which was a big help and if you end up erasing something you didn’t want to you could bring it back by using the ‘history tool’

Album Cover Initial Ideas


What is a Poster?

A poster is any piece of printed paper designed to be attached to a wall or vertical surface. Typically posters include both textual and graphic elements, although a poster may be either wholly graphical or wholly text. Posters are designed to be both eye-catching and convey information.

In class we also looked at Posters, posters like album covers are meant to be eye-catching and depending on the genre convey different ideas for example this Oasis poster this is is colourful yet it is unique to Oasis

In class we also looked a poster by Bob Marley posters like this tend to be more portrait capturing the artist face, this poster show that Bob Marley is a seriuos artist who looks calm and professional this shows the seriuosness and depth of his music.

Other poster tend to be more portrait and tend to show more of the artist body, either trying to show of bling or muscles for example this 50 Cent poster:


Today’s lesson was really interesting as we had a photo shoot session with our groups as well as taking picture by ourselves. The main reason for the photo shoot was that we should get an idea on how we should take pictures for our magazine advertisement and album cover.
Here are some of the pictures:

Next lesson we will be using these pictures on photoshop